Box 48 2024

This suite of 27 Carbon Transfer Paintings were produced in response to the Edward James Archive located at West Dean College (West Sussex), as part of developing work for my practice-based PhD at kingston. School of Art within the Contemporary Art Research Group. Each work combines 4 separate documents, which re-present in its entirety, archive box 48 of 64, which collectively catalogue the correspondences between Mona Heraud and Edward James. Mona Heraud was James’ secretary from the early 1960’s until James’s death in 1984. The 64 boxes document through handwritten and typed correspondences their personal and professional relationship over three decades.

This suite of 27 Carbon Transfer Paintings, composed from the 108 scanned mylar sleeves which make up box 48 from 1981, is an attempt to offer a new palimpsestic reading of this section of the archive. The Carbon Transfer Paintings, collated from 4 seperate scans, do not follow the original chronology of the ring-bound mylar sleeves from box 48, but are instead composed with an aesthetic intention focusing on the juxtaposition between image, text and negative space. Through the process of making, elements of each layer are erased, allowing all layer to leach into and collectively reshape each other’s reading. What remains are entwined fragments of a re-imagined past, framed within parameters of the mylar sleeve.

Carbon Transfer Paintings on 410gsm gessoed paper

Image size: 28/22.3cm